
In order for us to better serve you, please fill out this form in detail. * Required fields
Company Name:   *
City:      省  市   *
Company Website:   *
Company Type:  Operators   Suppliers   ODM   Design houses   Agents   Individuals   others    *
Name of contact person:   * Title:   Mr    Ms  
Telephone:   * Department:
E-mail:   *
How did you know about Rockchip?: Exhibition   Official Website of Rockchip   Internet   Print media   others    *
Is it the first time you contact us?:  Yes      No     *
Which SOC would you be interested in ?(Multi Select)
 Tablet Solution   Android TV Box Solution   Ebook Solution   Wireless Audio Solution   others    *
Which products do you need?(Multi Select):
 MID    Smart Phone    PMP(MP3/MP4/MP5)
 Information machine    IBOX    Educational computer    others    *
Title::   *


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In order for us to better serve you, please fill out this form in detail. * Required fields
Company Name:   *
City:      省  市   *
Company Website:   *
Company Type:
 Operators   Suppliers   ODM   Design houses   Agents   Individuals   others    *
Name of contact person:   *
Title:   Mr    Ms  
Telephone:   *
E-mail:   *
How did you know about Rockchip?:
 Exhibition   Official Website of Rockchip   Internet   Print media   others    *
Is it the first time you contact us?:  Yes      No     *
Which SOC would you be interested in ?(Multi Select)
 Tablet Solution   Android TV Box Solution   Ebook Solution   Wireless Audio Solution   others    *
Which products do you need?(Multi Select):
 MID    Smart Phone
 PMP(MP3/MP4/MP5)  Information machine    IBOX    Educational computer    others    *
Title::   *


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